How to get World War 2 military records? Learn how to obtain military records of World War two veterans if you are their next of kin, a member of the general public, or a veteran seeking access to your own records. To begin, you will need a computer with internet access, any available military records, a computer printer, a death certificate of the veteran, a hired researcher (if necessary), and perseverance. Step 1: Search online for any available military records. Having information such as the veteran's service number can help expedite the process and bypass government bureaucracy. Step 2: Visit the National Archives website and access the online database called Access to Archival Databases (AAD). Here, you can conduct a fielded search for army enlistment records. This search may require the veteran's full name, service number, state of residence, place of enlistment, and/or birth year. Step 3: Utilize the E Vectrex online database to directly request copies of the veteran's military records. Only veterans and deceased veterans' next of kin are granted access to this database. Step 4: Print the signature verification form from Yvette Rex's website. Sign the form and submit it by mail or fax along with proof of the veteran's death for next of kin. Proof of death can include a death certificate, a letter from the funeral home, or a published newspaper obituary. Step 5: If you are not a World War two veteran or next-of-kin to a deceased veteran, visit the National Personnel Records Center website. Print, fill out, and mail the Standard Form 180 to request records. Step 6: Consider hiring a researcher for more complex searches. The National Archives website provides a list of researchers available for hire. Did you know that approximately 80 percent of all military personnel files from 1912 to...
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Army personnel records Form: What You Should Know
What happens when you need access to your military or veteran record? Most records have a clear requirement that you request a copy before you can see it. If you do not request copies of your files before using it, your records may be destroyed. If you need to access records within military service, then you need to follow the specific instructions provided by your unit or command. The basic requirements for access are as follows: You do not obtain copies of official records; however, if your commander grants your request, the records are open for only a few specific purposes and will become unavailable immediately once the record is reviewed. You are not able to use a copy of a record without the approval of the person holding it and the unit commander. If you need to obtain records by calling a certain official, you need to go first to your Commanding Officer with the following: A signed DD Form 214 (certificate of release or discharge from active duty) showing you are releasing the record; and A signed Statement/Request Form (SF-180) requesting the record by name, location, date of separation, and purpose of access. If you're calling a specific official by phone and do not provide these documents, your call will return to a recorded message asking you to provide the required documents, then you will be disconnected. If you are not connected immediately, please try again in a few minutes. Contact information for your command is listed in the following menu: Your records are always open to you. However, they are available for two specific purposes: If you wish to have a record reviewed, or, you wish to see, view, or make changes to the record after you have filed it with the Commanding General: In addition to the two specific purposes set out above, you are required to have, in addition to your DD 214, all the following documents: A signed DD Form 214 (certificate of release or discharge from active duty) showing you are releasing the record; and A signed Statement/Request Form (SF-180) requesting the record by name, location, date of separation, and purpose of access.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Army personnel records