Music. Hello everyone, welcome to explaining, teaching, tutoring, and training. Today, we'll be explaining the DD Form 214, also known as the certificate of release or discharge from active duty. Your DD Form 214 is crucial for accessing VA benefits after leaving the military. It serves as proof of your military service and includes information on the nature of discharge, record of service, and current classification code. It is important to ensure the accuracy of your DD Form 214 before separating from active duty, as it is easier to make changes while still on active duty. Your transition center will provide you with a draft copy of the form several days before your final out. Make sure to thoroughly review the draft and highlight any discrepancies. Be prepared to show proof of any missing or inaccurate information during your final visit to the transition point to make your DD-214 official. Once finalized, you will receive two copies of the DD Form 214, member number one and member number four. VA is most interested in number four, as it shows the length of service and character of discharge, which are used to determine eligibility for most benefits. Other important areas to review for accuracy include block 13, which lists awards received during service that may impact your access to VA healthcare and service-connected conditions. For example, the Purple Heart and Iraqi campaign medal. Also, check block 17, which states whether the service member received a dental exam and treatment with VA within 90 days prior to separation. If noted, they may be eligible for a one-time dental treatment with VA within 180 days of separation. This is an example of the DD Form 214 C, or 214 Charlie, which is a continuation of the original form. This page is used if...
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Dd214 Form: What You Should Know
Service members are required to submit a DD-214 for each separation or release from active duty service, including those who died, withdrew from the service (e.g., discharged or discharged from the Navy Reserve), or were awarded a medal of honor. The DD-214 is necessary to get your separation record, which is released by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for free. How to Request a Copy of Your DD-214 How To Access Records and Disconnect From Your Military Records In 2015, Congress mandated that certain records be provided to members of the military, even though they had separated or released from service. Congress mandated that service members who have been separated from the military (or separated from the service and subsequently released from service) must be given the option of obtaining a copy of their military record using a new program called the Record of Discharge (ROD) or a DD Form 214. This “reconnection to service” is now required under the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act, or VA CCA, of 2025 (Public Law 114-9). This change only applies to veterans and their next of kin—service members who have retired and their next of kin are not required to rejoin the service. Military Personnel Files — The DoD Instruction for the Record of Discharge (ROD) How to Get a DD Form 214 Copy — Veterans Access How to View Your DD Form 214 Record on the Veterans Access website The DD Form 214 is currently still a work in progress. But, we're working hard to provide you with the most up to date information, information we hope will be accurate and up to date. We are a proud participant of Record of Discharge (ROD) and Request a Copy of Your DD Form 214 (Military Records). These programs are provided by the National Personnel Records Center at the National Archives and Records Administration. You can access your DD Form 214's online here. Or you can download the free DD-214 file here. How to Request Military Records Including DD Form 214 If you require a copy of a DD Form 214, please email us at and a Service Member will contact you within 24 hours. If you require a copy of a DD Form 214, you may also call between 8 am — 6 pm Eastern Time. If you require information to make a request, please submit your inquiry by email to veterans.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Dd214