A lot of people think there's one database that the government maintains that contains information on everyone. And all's you need to do is key in one social security number and you'll find out all there is to know about somebody. That's not at all how it works. My name is Scott Levin's. I'm the director of the National personnel records Center in St. Louis, which is an office of the National Archives. The records that we hold date back to the Spanish-American war through about the year 2000, depending on a branch of service involved. We have 56 million official military personnel folders. Our responsibility is to preserve these personnel records but also to make them available to veterans and other interested people who need them. Today, I'm Bruce Bronson Lee. I served in the Air Force for 24 years. Here at the Knife archives in St. Louis, I work in the military records section. It's a really simple process to get your records. Come to the archives website, that's WWFarchives.gov, click on the link, and find the item that says request records online with Yvette Rex. They receive four to five thousand requests every day. They might come from veterans, their next of kin, potential employers, members of Congress, national cemeteries. Now we're ready to fill out our service information. First, I'll ask who you are, veteran or next of kin. I was in the Air Force, so I selected Air Force. And I was active duty, so I'm going to select active. I'm requesting an unrelated report of separation, DD Form 214. I'm also going to include in the comment section a request for my DD Form 215. Sometimes we may have difficulty trying to find your records, so it's very important to include other contact information...
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How do i get a Sf 180 Form: What You Should Know
How To Obtain Your DD214 If you were a commissioned, noncommissioned or warrant officer, your DD214 must be issued before you retire from military service. If it was issued after you retired, the DD214 should still come from your service record. If it is not available, contact the Secretary of the Navy, or ask the commanding officer or commander of your unit: From the Commandant or the Commandant's Deputy in the Commandant's Department or the Senior Executive Service Office of the Department. From a command. Or from the Navy Enlisted Personnel Command on the phone (844-4-NO-CODE). DD214. Your DD214 is the official record of your service. In addition to the documents submitted by the person you are seeking, you must provide: Your full name, rank and serial number. Your enlistment dates. Your ship or station. The place or dates of your discharge, if applicable. An estimate of your expected service and any training you have already completed in the U.S. Navy. Example: Your DD214 shows you were commissioned as an Ensign on November 1, 1964. You were discharged as a Petty Officer Third Class at Camp Gordon, Ga. on May 31, 1965. As of July 1, 2013, that would reflect your expected service date of Jan. 1, 2025 through the end of 2018. What are your other service records? Where are they stored? From the Coast Guard or the Maritime Administration (MARA). As you can see, the documentation submitted with the request is usually the same for everyone. However, your DD214 is the official record of your service and should reflect your uniform. Therefore, the requestor must include your DD214 whenever you submit a DD-214 for service to the Navy. The Request The requester must fill out the standard Request for Military Personnel Records using the standard Request Pertaining to Military Records (Form SF-180) which details basic steps and requirements. The requester has 14 days from the date it is processed before the record is considered completed. This is your 30-day turnaround time for submitting the request. You may file a request for Military Personnel Records electronically, by e-mail, or by hand mailing the form in person. You may also print the form and mail it in person to the address listed on page 2, or send a copy to a different address.
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